ErosionWorks Online
Category Geosynthetics
Publisher  American Excelsior Company 
Platform Web/Java, Web based
Status Freeware
Description ErosionWorks Online allows analysis of erosion protection measures for typical slope applications on both a single storm and an average annual basis. It uses the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) formula to compute soil loss, based on your project's requirements. Once the input data have been entered, it calculates the amount of soil loss expected for bare soil conditions and for conditions where erosion control measures are selected. It uses RUSLE in both the Single Storm and Average Annual Analyses. The program also allows analysis of open channel applications such as roadside ditches, drainage swales, streambanks, and riverbeds. The calculations within the program are based on generally accepted engineering principles related to hydraulics and sediment transport. In addition, it has the option of evaluating select best management practices (BMPs) to meet erosion control and revegetation requirements. It uses the Manning's formula to compute the hydraulic conditions. Options include trapezoidal, parabolic and rectangular channel calculations. Once the input data have been entered, it calculates the expected flow depth, flow velocity, Froude number, and shear stress based on the anticipated flow conditions. Alternatively, if the design hydraulic conditions have already been determined, the user may enter these values directly via the known hydraulics option. The known hydraulics is not bound by the assumptions that uniform flow conditions prevail. It will compute stability factors, considering both velocity and shear stress criteria, which indicates if the material is suitable for the design hydraulic conditions. Some values used are based on large-scale testing. It contains a technical library of product specifications, staple pattern guides, installation guidelines, and CAD details which can be used in construction plan sheets and documents.
Cost Free on WWW
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  American Excelsior Company 

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