Category Slope stability (soil)
Publisher  Hungr Geotechnical Research, Inc. 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description CLARA-W is a program for geotechnical slope stability analysis in two or three dimensions, using Bishop, Janbu, Spencer and Morgenstern-Price methods. Features include: 2D and 3D analysis of rotational or non-rotational sliding surfaces, ellipsoids, wedges, compound surfaces, fully specified surfaces and searches. Other features include point loads, tension cracks, earthquake loading, anisotropic and non-linear material strength models and the possibility to use digital elevation model (DEM) files to specify ground surface topography. Geometry can be input or edited graphically, using a built-in digitizer of scanned slope cross-section images. An illustrated User's Manual is provided. It is based on the extension of four standard limit equilibrium methods to three dimensions. The first is Bishop's Simplified Method (Hungr, 1987, Hungr et al., 1989). The present version includes modifications due to Fredlund and Krahn (1977). This makes the method applicable to non-rotational geometries, within limitations suggested in Hungr et al. (1989). The second method is Janbu Simplified Method, extended into three dimensions along the same lines. It also includes 3D extensions of the Spencer's Method and the Morgenstern-Price Method. These extensions have been derived using an approach similar to that proposed by Lam and Fredlund (1993) and Hungr, (1997), combined with an assumption that the resultant of the interslice force on the lateral column surfaces is parallel with the column base. The Morgenstern-Price method is implemented with only one form of the interslice force function: the half-sine function. The methods are accurate for problems which are symmetric with respect to a vertical plane parallel with the direction of sliding. Potential sources of error exist in some non-symmetric cases, as none of the methods specifically satisfies the horizontal force equilibrium and the moment equilibrium related to rotation around a vertical axis, or a horizontal axis parallel with the direction of motion. A method of balancing lateral forces is implemented in connection with the Bishop and Janbu algorithms, as described in Hungr (1997). This provides results similar to those obtained by the rigid wedge stability solutions (e.g. Hoek and Bray, 1977).
Cost US Dollars 1900
Data formats supported Mapping and GIS  :  DEM 
Supplier in Canada  Hungr Geotechnical Research, Inc. 

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